Tanneri Chaso has been continuously making effort through watchfulness for insisting politicians to be accountable and transparent. In the context of constitution, Tanneri Chaso from very early was questioning the lawmakers and top leaders to address the public commitment on time. When the deadline of assignment as per the commitment was shortening, the network instead of single effort realized the need of coordination and unified voice of youths believe on democracy “Loktantra” pertaining to question the leadership and pressure for constitution draft on time. Pressurizing campaign emerged as Tanneri had an attempt to evoke the silent civil society and influential personalities to speak up about the constitution draft on time. Campaign in initial step had motive of perceiving social leaders’ stances on current political scenario and their analysis of the contemporary and Tanneri network at Kathmandu visited civil society activists, intellects, writers and journalists including Anjanai Kumar Jha, Harikrishna Karki, Anbika Giri, Khagendra Sangraula, Amit Dhakal, Buddhisagar Chapai, Shrawan Mukarun, Arjun Parajuli from November 11 to 15, 2014. During the interaction some of the personalities were found pessimist on the current political disorder while country was on the verge of constitution. Team of youths after listening them had insisted to actively take part in creating national pressure through discourse for timely constitution promulgation.

Accountability and Good Governance, Youth CollectiveMeeting with socially recognized personalities
Meeting with socially recognized personalities
Tanneri Chaso
Nagarjun-04 Sitapaila, Kathmandu, Nepal
Email: tanneri@tannerichaso.net
Phone: 9813641601