Actions for constitution, Tanneri Chaso|

Realizing the repetition of same candidate’s triumph over second CA election would not bring adequate change and contribute to constitution drafting process; Tanneri Chaso took an initiative for drafting all those misdeeds of earlier CA into a book which they were collecting from the national dailies. The collections of the print news cuttings coverage of misconducts and unethical issues of earlier lawmakers compiled and documented into a book entitled in Nepali language Yesto Nahos Sabasad ko Niyat referring to “Let’s not be the intention of Constituent Assembly members“. This publication was brought into public account prior election in order to interrogate upon the moral grounds and accountability of the candidates while selecting them as representatives of people. During the clean election, capable candidate campaign this publication was used as a tool for candidate vetting. Books distributed among the public and the candidates of political parties had received well appreciation and commitment of the constituency further not to revive such acts again in CA. Furthermore, Tanneri group after the first meeting of second constituent assembly distributed the books to all the elected CA members of all political parties through the pigeonhole at constituent assembly secretariat at Singhadurbar. The documentation was believed to give impression of public watchfulness over the acts of leaders and aware them not to revive such acts against the public trust. Almost every CA member earning bad image in earlier CA election were found to lose election in next CA poll.

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